Crank Tech One: Destruction

Book Cover - Crank Tech One- Destruction 400px w 96dpi

Robot on the rampage!
Artwork by Derek Jones

Robots and aliens rampage through the center of Cardiff so often that no one bats an eyelid. That’s what happens to a city when Doctor Who is filmed there. But this time, it wasn’t a Doctor Who shoot. This time the robot running amok was real!

And dangerous…

Sci-fi author Tim Bailey feels responsible, and so he should: he accidentally set the robot loose. Aided by his younger brother, can he stop the robot before it causes devastation?

There is one thing Tim is absolutely clear about:


Crank Tech One: Destruction by Colin R. Parsons is available in distinct North American and British editions, both of which are firmly set in Wales.

Sample the book for free here.

North America: Paperback available from and Kindle eBook from  An ePUB edition is available from Smashwords | Barnes & Noble | Sony | Kobo.  Sample the book for free here.

Wales and rest of UK: Paperback available from (published by Tallyberry Publishing) and Kindle eBook through

Only the international edition of this book is available in ePUB format, which you can obtain from Smashwords | Barnes & Noble | Sony | Kobo.

Special thanks for invaluable assistance in producing this book go to

Jonathan Davies at Glenside Printing, Glamorgan, Wales; an admirable printer.

9 thoughts on “Crank Tech One: Destruction

  1. Pingback: Our YA robot book is now available in North America | Greyhart Press

    1. timctaylor Post author

      I think the author, Colin, would say lots of rude words I wouldn’t understand if I moved it anywhere else. We did change a few phrases that didn’t travel well.

  2. 53bryanm

    I really enjoyed the romp thru this book…you start out in a classroom with an up-tight teacher telling the author in the book how to make his presentation better and how to write. The next thing you know you have a robot running rapid that thinks it is the robot from the author book and the author is trying to stop it before it kills too many people.

    I think this is a great young adult book to even an adult book. It has a strong, fresh story line. The only thing I didn’t like was it ended rather abruptly. I would have liked a little more at the end.

    I rate this book high, it has everything you want in a Sci-Fi adventure…robot gone crazy, bad guys, family, romance and a great car chase. What else do you need? A must read from great writer.

    1. timctaylor Post author

      It’s a great idea for a book, isn’t it? My son loved it. Glad you enjoyed it too, and thanks for letting us know!
      Hope you had a great Christmas.

  3. Pingback: Let robots rampage through your Kindle… for free! | The Repository of Imagination

  4. Pingback: Another free story will be posted tomorrow. | The Repository of Imagination

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